Residential faq's
Will one conditioner treat a whole house?
In most cases yes. However some sore external
applications like solar panel systems an
additional unit will be required.
Scaling in dishwashers
The nature of operation of some dishwashers can
have an adverse effect on treatment which means
that some scaling may take place, but scale
deposits will be greatly
Where is the best installation
Reduced and will be much easier to remove.
point if treating a whole house
On the main cold water supply line. If s tank is
present the conditioner should be installed
before the tank if based on a high low level
switch or if a operating on a float valve then
the conditioner should be installed after the
How long will it take before a difference is
notice following installation?
Depends entirely on frequency of use and if
there is significant lime scale deposits already
present. If significant scale is already present
it can take several months before any difference
is noticed. However in sīe cases results can be
seen in a matter of weeks.
What if I want to keep my water softener?
Installing a conditioner in conjunction with a
water softener will provide environmental and
financial benefits that will pay for the cost of
the conditioner several times over throughout
its life. The CONDITIONER will reduce the amount
of salt required during the regeneration in the
softener and can also increase the time between
regeneration reduce the amount of wasted water.
Scaling in kettles
Due to the rapid heat change and evaporation
created in kettles non ion exchange treatment
methods such as conditioners will struggle to
completely prevent mineral deposits over a
period of time. However benefits should be seen
with an extension enquired between cleans and
overall increase in equipment life.